After carrying out an EICR(electrical installation condition report) at the property we found that although the property had its issues we just didn't need to rewire it.
An honest opinion from a professional has prevailed for our customer. Saving them the stress and high costs of a full house rewire. Often forgotten is the amount of repair work needed these usually include plastering, flooring repairs and decorating.
At this property we did need to rewire the upstairs sockets which is highly irregular after carrying our an EICR. More often than not fault finding, minor repair works and consumer unit changes are all that is required to rectify an existing electrical installation.
We carried out the following work at this property to get it in a safe condition:
New consumer unit
Minor EICR remedial work’s (broken sockets, etc)
Gas bonding
Rewire Upstairs sockets
This installation is now safe for continued use and should stay that way for the foreseeable future. Inspection will be carried out every five years to keep up with the latest landlord electrical regulations.