If you are planning on installing an extractor fan at your Bradford area home, you may be wondering - who can install an extractor fan? Choosing the right tradesperson for the job will guarantee an effective and safe result, but just who should you be calling? Is extractor fan installation the remit of a plumber, an electrician, your local general handyman, or even yourself?
1) Why install an extractor fan?
Extractor fans are a simple to way to remove the excess moisture from your bathroom. By adding extra ventilation and removing the humid air, extractor fans help you to combat condensation, damp, and mould in your Bradford home. An extractor fan is even more important if your bathroom does not have a window (and is a requirement under Building Regulations) otherwise that damp air has nowhere to go and will cause problems, fast.
Back to top2) Can I install an Extractor Fan Myself?
If you’re an experienced DIYer you may be thinking of attempting to install that new extractor fan yourself. Unfortunately, as you will see, the process is a complex one. You would need to be able to competently cut holes through ceilings or wall, install ducting correctly and work with electricity. The work must also comply with strict electrical regulations. This means the work must be signed off by a registered electrician. Most electricians will only sign off work they have undertaken otherwise they could be liable in the event of any problems.
Due to the complexity of the work, only a suitably qualified and experienced electrician should install your bathroom extractor fan.
Back to top3) What does an extractor fan installation entail?
An extractor fan installation entails more than you might think. An extractor fan installation looks deceptively simple once complete, but there are several steps to consider, each requiring specific skills.
The extractor fan installation process includes:
- Calculating the correct extraction rate required – Building Regulations Part F state that a bathroom extractor fan must remove at least 15 litres per second. Don’t panic if maths is not your strong suit – your electrician will calculate the rate for you.
- Creating the electrical circuit – Your new extractor fan will need power. As your extractor fan is located in a high-risk area, this must be carried out by an electrician.
- Installation of hard or flexible ducting – The ducting is an essential part of your extraction system if it is not installed properly your extractor fan will not work correctly.
- Fitting external gravity or fixed louvre grills – The correct grills need to be installed to protect your extractor fan.
- Fixing the unit in position – The extractor fan will need installing in the wall or ceiling of your bathroom – this requires precision and may require a core to be drilled if fitted to an external wall.
- Functional testing – Here at Quality Electrician we use ventilation test equipment to ensure your new extractor fan is working correctly. Without this test equipment, you simply can’t tell.
- Safe connection, electrical testing, and certification – A key part of any extractor fan installation is the safe connection to your electrical system. An experienced electrician will ensure a safe connection, will test the system is working correctly and will issue the relevant certification.
Our fully qualified, registered electricians are experienced and equipped for every part of the installation of a bathroom extractor fan and have completed the additional training required to be fully competent in the task.
Back to top4) Extractor Fan Installation in Bradford
If you would like to install an extractor fan at your Bradford area home, contact Quality Electrician today. Our electricians are fully qualified, NICEIC registered and highly experienced in the installation and testing of extractor fans.